Peace Scout & Guide Is A Social, Non Political, Non-Profitable Organization. Our Organization Inspired By The Spirit Of Lord Baden Powel To Empower Youth, Children And Help Them To Achieve Physical, Intellectual, Social And Spiritual Potential And To Become Truly Responsible Future Of Citizen
Peace Scout & guide is a non political, sectarian, Non-Profitable organisation. The purpose of our organisation is scout movement to contribute the development of young people in achieving their full physical intellectual social and spiritual potential as individual, as responsible citizen and as a member of their local national and international committee. This is open to all scouting and guiding group person as well as association. It is required that member group/association follow and use Baden Powell original program tradition uniform, morals, ethics and structure as layout in Baden Powell's scouting for boys and girls. We use the best training skills to train youth in arts and crafts as way to build skill and personality of our organisation. To core for all society we always look the Program or Yojanaa of State as well as Central Government and we promote it men to men place to place.
Our Objective Is To Develop The Character And Personality Of Boys And Girls In The Country. We Use The Best Training Skills To Train Youth In Arts And Crafts As A Way To Develop Skills And Personality Our Organization Care For All Societies Peoples We Never Work While Looking At Their Caste Or Religion.
Since We Are Working From Last 7 Years Fluently In The Different States But Finally We get the Govt Registration Under Act 1882 & Act 1860 In Delhi And Very Sort We Are Work For Further Big Planning. We Always Look The Programs Or Yojnas Of State As Well As Central Government And We Promote It Man To Man, Place To Place.
Area Of Operation : The working area/areas of the Scout & Guide willbe whole India.
Lord Baden-Powell (1857-1941) was a British general and founder of the modern Scouting movement. Baden-Powell became a national hero during the Boer war of 1899-1900 when, with a small garrison, he commanded the defence of Mafeking.
Our Vision Of 2030 To Trained Maximum Number Of Youths And Children In A Dynamic Way.
National Chairman Of India
I am so delighted to see that what started as a spark has blossomed into a full flame that is spreading across India and firing up India Youth’s to engage and involve themselves in society and community activity besides self development.
Students and Youth are the future of any Country making them strong, makes a country strong and this is what are trying to do by both the both the means, physically and mentally we not just teach them Scouting of rescue operations but also the mind games, self defense, sanskaar classes, career counseling and many more things including adventurous trips, which make them more happy, energetic ,adventurous and the best of all a good human beings. I want all the children in the whole world should get a chance for beings a scout and should do Scouting and me with my fully energetic and exuberant team are working very hard for this. As it is well said:
Today is a new day and it brings with it new set of opportunities for me to act on.
I am attentive to the opportunities and I seize them as they arise.
I have full confidence in myself and my abilities.
I can do all things that I commit myself to
Our Organization has made substantial progress since we started in 2019 but I believe we have miles to go to achieve our objectives. I am so thankful to the hundreds of the people who have joined our Organization and have contributed time and resources. I am sure that with all your active support we will be able to do much more for our Youth, children and for our country.
National chief Training Commissioner Of India
Since 1953 our mission has been to help others live a move natural life. We believe in living for today and tomorrow! Because our decisions have a lasting impact,we make them thoughtfully. Since 1953 our mission has been to help people live more natural life.Here are just some of the ways we translate our mission into positive actions.
National Organising Commissioner Of India
Ambitious people try to get ahead in life.They look for opportunities to better their life.For the most part,this has a positive feeling,but in some people,ambition is too strong and they hurt people along the way to get what they want.
State Secretary
Peace Scout & Guide is a powerful mission to develop your extra activities.Always made up one’s thought turn into action. And always beware of negative thinking.
Scouting is an out science game.The mission of Scout or the concept of scout is to learn clean life,plain life,punctuality,regularity,unselfishness,self reliance,family feeling and good citizenship skill that influence theirs adult lives and most important always try new things.
Advocate Patna high court ,Patna
National Advisor Commissioner Of India.(P.S.G)
Life is powerful.We have to generate and promote it.We can do everything in our life if we do everything in plan.Scouting is a successful way to achieve our goal.We should join with Scout for national development and integrity.
पीस स्कॉट के नाम पर कुछ लोग अवैध तरीके ट्रेनिंग चला रहे हैं कृपया आपके पास कोई इस नाम से जाते हैं तो हमें इसपे मैसेज हमें आवश्य लिखे, अन्यथा आगे कि जिम्मेदारी हमारी नहीं होंगी। धन्यवाद
उससे सारा विवरण ले ऑफिस की काकजी। हमारा सम्पर्क नंबर हमारे साइट पर हैं।
NHQ- A-215, Office No 6, Ground Floor, Chawala complex, Gali No1, Shakharpur, New Delhi 110092
Regional H.Q -Royal Residency Apartment Gate-No 45, Mainpura Rajapurpul BoringRood Patna-1 Bihar
SHQ- Roorkee Public Senior Secondary School, Haridwar Rood Roorkee Uttarakhand,( UK )
SHQ- Gali no. 10, Laxmanvihar phase II,Sector 3A, Gurgaon (Haryana)
SHQ- Madhu Kishore Building 2nd Floor 3/145. Sattupalli Road old police station opp. Vissannapeta , Krishna District, 521215, (A.P) Andhra Pradesh